The PV solar and renewable sector in India shows promise, says Vitronic

A new and international player in the PV segment – Vitronic sees potential, makes an entry into the Indian market

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The PV solar and renewable sector in India shows promise, says Vitronic

By Ranjana Konatt, Editor (Brand Positioning)

The industrial sector in India has always shown promise to international investors, and the renewable sector is no different. Richard Moreth, Head – PV Sales, Vitronic is one such investor who gives us his take on the Indian market, the company he represents and the challenges that come with establishing a brand presence in a foreign market. “We have been into the PV sector – i.e. automatic optical inspection systems for approximately 13-years now,” said Moreth.  The kind of market demand for the products in Germany is what brings me to India, he added. “We began in Germany and Europe because the PV market was born there,” he said. China is a major player dominating the market, however, he agreed and said that India as a country does show promise. We have been participating in a number of expos and events to help us have a presence in this market, and often communication can be a problem. However, he said, even though the PV market in India is not as complex as China, it does show promise.

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