Shell launches ‘Scale Track’ for mature start-ups under its E4 Programme


Shell announces the launch of ‘Scale Track’ under its E4 programme. The Scale Track is built for mature, energy-related start-ups who have achieved a product-market fit with their commercial products. The Track is customized to support start-ups in strengthening its strategy and scaling up operations by offering insights from global companies and industry leaders, material resources including full access to their lab at the Shell Technology Center Bangalore, and access to a focused mentor-ship programme.

Partners on board for this track include ABB, AVL, Indian Angel Network, Catapult, Maharashtra State Innovation Society, The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBSCD) and Ola to name a few. The collaboration between Shell and these partners will allow start-ups several benefits such as access to a wider network and customer base, subject matter expertise, mentor-ship and investment opportunities. The current themes for the 2020 Scale Track are focused on the:

  1. Future of mobility with advanced start-ups in ‘the mobility space’,
  2. Energy Management Systems with innovative start-ups.

Nitin Prasad, Chairman, Shell companies in India, said, “Along with our partners, we believe that these young professionals will reap significant benefits from the programme which will help them go to the market with a better business strategy and execution capability, leapfrogging their growth. It was a competitive selection process and it was clear that these start-ups will help India in its energy transition journey and contribute to the growing clean energy ecosystem in the country.”

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