Siemens Mobility to sign a contract in the Netherlands


Siemens Mobility to sign a contract in the Netherlands with the joint venture RiVier to develop a countrywide, intelligent Mobility as a Service (MaaS) platform. The MaaS platform to be delivered in the autumn will allow providers to integrate travel planning. The technological core of the MaaS platform is supplied by Siemens Mobility subsidiaries Hacon and eos.uptrade.

Maurice Unck, RET Director on behalf of RiVier, said: “The pandemic is changing our behavior. We work, learn and travel more flexibly: in time, place, and choice of means of transport. That is why we are investing in the best travel options for consumers right now. We lower the threshold to easily plan, book, and pay for a trip with multiple modes of transport.”

Andre Rodenbeck, CEO Rail Infrastructure, Siemens Mobility, said: “Smart applications that can integrate and coordinate different modes of transportation makes the idea of seamless travel from the first mile to the last a reality. Having the ability to choose from the full spectrum of mobility options to plan, schedule, and pay for trips, significantly improves the travel experience and enhances the overall quality of life. We are pleased to have the opportunity to provide our intelligent solutions and deliver a MaaS system that will enable mobility in the Netherlands to be more comfortable, sustainable, and efficient.”

Michael Frankenberg, CEO of Hacon and Head of Intermodal Solutions, Siemens Mobility, said: “Creating the perfect passenger experience requires cooperation across the industry. It is inspiring to see how NS, RET, and HTM are joining forces to make the mobility landscape in the Netherlands even more attractive. We at Hacon and eos.uptrade are very proud to bring our know-how and solutions to this trail-blazing project.”

The platform is being developed as an open ecosystem that can be connected to existing apps from the MaaS providers NS, RET, and HTM. Through the MaaS platform, mobility providers can draw attention to their services and better tailor them to the needs of travelers, while also optimizing their fleet management. In addition to efficiency and passenger comfort, MaaS also provides eco-friendly and sustainability benefits. As public transport or shared solutions become more attractive, travelers will only use their cars where it is of most added value to them.

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