Signify, a company in lighting has made significant progress in 2019 toward its sustainability targets set for 2020 as part of its brighter lives, better world sustainability program. The company further reduced its carbon footprint by 9.5 per cent and increased the number of markets where it achieved carbon neutrality to 15 out of 19, bringing it closer to achieving company-wide carbon neutrality this year.
In 2019, the company generated 82.5 per cent of its revenues from energy-efficient products, systems and services, ahead of its 2020 target of 80 per cent. The company also achieved carbon neutrality in markets in Latin America and in ASEAN, Far East, India, Indonesia and Pacific. The company reduced its waste to landfill by 70 per cent, with 90 per cent of our waste recycled. With a supplier sustainability performance rate of 99 per cent, Signify is well ahead of its 2020 target of 90 per cent. The company wants to assure a safe and healthy workspace for its employees and are 9 per cent ahead of its 2020 safety target.