Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited to sensitize the general public on precautions for flying kites

Tata Power-DDL is utilising its corporate mascot Roshni for providing tips on precautions to be taken while flying kites via a social media campaign.

Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited General Public Precautions Flying Kites
Photo by Niko_Shogol on pixabay

Flying of kites is an integral part of the custom during the festive season in the capital, especially on Rakhi and Independence Day. However, it has been observed that the use of metal-coated Manjha (kite string), is quite popular amongst the kite flying enthusiasts. These manjhas are highly life-threatening. Several incidents of power-tripping, as well as electrocution, are reported every year during this season due to entanglement of these metal coated manjhas in overhead power lines.

Tata Power-DDL Spokesperson said: “People should enjoy kite flying, but responsibly. We appeal to Delhiites not to fly kites near electrical installations, including overhead cables; and avoid using metal-coated manjha. These two simple practices will ensure safe kite flying.”

According to estimates, tripping of one 33/66 KV overhead line can disrupt power supply to over 10,000 residents of an area and tripping of a single 11 KV line to over 2,500 residents. Last year, there were around 12 instances of kite-flying related trappings in Tata Power-DDL’s area. It is noteworthy here that disrupting of power supply and causing damage to power equipment is punishable under the Electricity Act and the Delhi Police Act. In the present pandemic times, such a situation will also affect the supply of uninterrupted power to the hospitals and essential services resulting in inconvenience to all.

The company’s Operations and Maintenance teams will be on constant vigil to take care of any kite-flying related contingencies.

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